Suzanne H. Pringle,
Ad. E.
450 668-8008 #109
shpringle@pringleassocies.comLaison attorney : Me Élodie Ngoundji
Year of Call to the Bar
Quebec Bar, 1983
Faculty of Law
LL.B., University of Montreal, 1982
Suzanne H. Pringle is the founding lawyer of the firm, which now has 15 lawyers, 3 of whom are partners at her side. She has practiced exclusively in family law since the firm was founded in 1988. She represents clients in family matters including separation, divorce, division of property, child custody, support remedies, wrongful removal (return applications under the Hague Convention), child abduction and disputes between common-law spouses. She also works on the drafting of marriage and cohabitation contracts.
Dynamic and attentive, Mtre Pringle approaches each case with rigor and attention to detail. Her commitment to her clients is reflected in a meticulous approach focused on transparency. Anxious to mitigate the often delicate repercussions of family disputes, she vigorously defends the interests of her clients while promoting alternative dispute resolution solutions. Her practice is based on a constant desire to promote a sustainable result adapted to the reality of each client, as well as each family.
Mr. Pringle advocates the highest standards of excellence in family law representation, which has greatly contributed to Pringle & Associés' current reputation. She is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers and has received the honorary distinction of Advocatus Emeritus from the Barreau du Québec, in addition to being recognized by Best Lawyers since 2006. She was awarded the Lawyer of the Year distinction in the Family Law Mediation category for the year 2023. She is the lawyer for the man nicknamed "Eric" by the media in the case of Eric and Lola, whose case was the subject of a favourable decision by the Supreme Court of Canada in 2013.
On September 8, 2023, she also received the Recognition Award from the Barreau de Laval for her involvement in the legal community and for highlighting the exceptional quality of her professional career, her commitment and the success in the performance of her duties. In addition to this distinction, he was awarded the 2022 Litigator of the Year award by Le Monde Juridique magazine.
Mtre Pringle is a Certified Family Law Mediator. She acts as a mediator in both assisted and regular mediation sessions.
An accomplished speaker, Mtre Pringle gives numerous training sessions and conferences for different audiences. She is known for her colorful, clear presentations that are always appreciated by the participants.
She is bilingual, fluent in English and French.
Rankings & Awards
- Linda Guillemette Award (2023) – Laval Bar
- Woman of Distinction Award (2022) — Business and Entrepreneurship Category – YWCA Montreal
- Litigator of the Year (2022) — Le Monde Juridique Magazine
- Advocatus Emeritus (Ad. E.) Award (2015)
- Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers (2010)
- Laval Bar Recognition Award (2014)
- The Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory: The Leading Practitioners, Family Law (since 2014)
- The Best Lawyers (since 2013), Best Lawyers
- The Best Lawyers – Lawyer of the Year 2013 – Canada – Family law – Montreal Area
- The Best Lawyers – Lawyer of the Year 2023 – Canada – Family Law Mediation – Montreal Area
- Winner of the XIIth Grand Prix de la francophonie of the Institut de formation continue des avocats in Paris, June 22, 1989 (oratorical competition)
Professional & Community Activities
- Association of Family Law Lawyers of Quebec Canadian Bar Association
- Association of Family and Conciliation Courts
- Governor of the Quebec Bar Foundation
- International Francophone Association of Workers Working with Separated Families
- Was a member of the Liaison Committee of the Bar of Montreal with the Court of Appeal from 1990 to 1992
- Chaired the debates of the Bar of Montreal's oratorical competition for several years
- Taught at the École du Barreau in drafting, negotiation and representation
- Was a member of the Board of Directors of the Young Bar of Montreal
Boards of Directors
- Quebec Advisory Committee, The Advocates' Society, Chair, June 2021
- Online Advisory Committee, American College of Trial Lawyers, President, August 2020
- Regents Nominating Committee, American College of Trial Lawyers, Spring 2019
- American College of Trial Lawyers Provincial Committee, President, September 2017 – September 2019
- Task force on Online Presence Committee, American College of Trial Lawyers, September 2018 to September 2019
- Fondation Sainte-Anne, President from 2012 to fall 2019 (member of the Board of Directors for 25 years)
Publications, conferences and media presences
- October 2022, participation in the episode Les responsabilité of the podcast Les audacieuses (forthcoming), with Annie Lapointe, hosted by Cloé Caron
- September 2022, speaker for the International Young Leaders Circle as part of the presentation Abortion in Canada: Legal, Historical and Comparative Perspectives
- August 2022, presence on the radio show Première Heure hosted by Alex Boissoneault to discuss a case concerning filiation during a rape situation
- June 2022, co-speaker at the Trust and Family Law: Practical Overview, presented as part of the Grands rendez-vous de la formation du Barreau du Québec, with Me Catherine Marcil
- May 2022, co-speaker for the Train the trainer event, organized by The Adovcate' Society
- May 2022, co-speaker for the event Litigation Practice and Mental Health: Where Are We? organized by The Advocates' Society, with Carolyn Laverdière and Sylvie Rodrigue
- February 2022, January 2022, participation in a Facebook live broadcast entitled Divorce, separation and personal finances: the right reflexes, organized by JuridiQC, with Me Abigaelle Allard-Robitaille and Nathalie Roy
- February 2022, co-speaker at the Trust and Family Law: Practical Overview, presented as part of the Grands rendez-vous de la formation du Barreau du Québec, with Me Catherine Marcil
- January 2022, participation in a Facebook live broadcast on the legal situation of de facto spouses, organized by JuridiQC, with Me Abigaelle Allard-Robitaille
- October 2021, co-chair of the Mastering Family Safeguard Order program, organized by The Avocates' Society, with Linda Schachter
- October 2021, appearance on the radio program Tout un matin hosted by Patrick Masbourian to discuss family law reform
- April 2021, speaker at the virtual event Finance for Them: Dare to Get Involved! Patrimony and Succession and Divorce organized by National Bank Financial and moderated by Isabelle Racicot
- April 2021, appearance on the radio show Plus on est de fous, plus on lit hosted by Marie-Louise Arsenault to discuss the etymology of the word Divorce
- March 2021, appearance on the show 24/60 hosted by Anne-Marie Dusseault to discuss amendments to the Divorce Act, including family violence
- December 2020, speaker for the Short Circuit webinar organized by Tesla PR on the theme of the #MeToo movement and waves of denunciations
- November 2020, mentor and spokesperson at The Advocates' Society's Women in Litigation Dinner, Women and the Pandemic: Getting Out, Equipping Yourself, Rising, with Sylvie Rodrigue, Ad.E.
- November 2020, appearance on the radio show Les grands entretiens hosted by Alain Gravel to comment on his professional career and the practice in family law
- October 2020, appearance on the Isabelle Richer show on the RDI channel to comment on case law in family matters
- October 2020, training provided by The Advocates' Society with Me Sylvie Rodrigue, The Art of Appellate Advocacy
- October 2020, speaker at the virtual conference of the Association de planification fiscale et financière, Fiducie et droit de la famille: trying to master the predictable?
- May 2020, appearance on the radio show Pénélope hosted by Pénélope McQuade to comment on school attendance and family law in times of pandemic
- April 2020, interview for Premières en affaires magazine
- March 2020, Visiting Professor at McGill University's Faculty of Law for the Ethics in Family Law Conference
- March 2020, interview for Droit inc. and article written by Florence Tison
- March 2020, appearance on the show La semaine des 4 Julie
- March 2020, was the subject of an article in Le Messager Lachine
- March 2020, appearance on the show Tout le monde en parle to highlight his nomination as Litigator of the Year 2020 and to comment on cases of domestic violence
- March 2020, appearance on the radio show Pénélope hosted by Pénélope McQuade
- March 2020, nomination as Litigator of the Year 2020 by Le Monde Juridique
- February 2020, Business Premieres Conference (Panel)
- February 2020, appearance on the radio show TComme il faut se lever hosted by Paul Arcand
- January 2020, appearance on the show Pénélope hosted by Pénélope McQuade to comment on the progress of divorce cases
- November 2019, co-chair of the Advocates' Society's Women in Litigation Symposium with Stéphanie Lapierre
- September 2019, training provided by the American College of Trial Lawyers and the Advocates' Society: Trial Advocacy in Action
- June 2019, co-chair of the jury for the YBM Public Speaking Competition with the Honourable Stéphane Sansfaçon, j.c.a.
- May 2019, Panel on Trials and Media presented at the Senior Lawyers Forum presented by the Advocates' Society, with the Honourable Marc David, Mr. Robert Lupien and Mr. Douglas Mitchell
- From 2015 to 2019, consultant on the television series Ruptures presented on Radio-Canada, inspired by the career of Suzanne H. Pringle
- March 2019, panel on Courtesy and Civility at McGill University's Faculty of Law, with the Honourable Peter Kalichman, JC, and Douglas Mitchell
- November 2018, was the subject of an article in La Presse for its philanthropic involvement, "When giving back becomes a career", by Nathalie Côté
- September 2018, publication of an opinion piece in Le Journal de Montréal, "It only affects 8.4 million Quebecers"
- June 2017, appearance on the Isabelle Richer show to comment on judicial delays in family law
- October 2016, publication of an opinion piece in La Presse, "Unacceptable remarks for a former minister" and in Le Devoir, "Le diatribe dommageable de M. Chevrette", in collaboration with Me Olivier Kott, Ad. E.
- January 2015, speaker at the Mini Congress of the Laval Bar, On cause ou on plaide? Why Advocacy Matters
- November 2013, training provided by the Young Bar Association of Montreal, with Sylvain Lussier: Practical Problems in Ethics, Ethics and Professional Conduct
- November 2013, video clip as part of the program 30 vies to explain the dynamics of conjugal and family violence
- October 2013, video clip as part of the program 30 vies to explain all the legal aspects as well as the repercussions of adoption on the family
- October 2013, appearance on RDI Matin week-end hosted by Louis Lemieux to comment on the Charbonneau Commission on the Court of Appeal's decision on the use of wiretapping
- March 2013, appearance on the RDI Matin week-end show hosted by Louis Lemieux to comment on the Charbonneau Commission with the President of the Ordre des Ingénieurs, Mr. Daniel Lebel
- February 2013, appearance on the RDI Matin week-end show hosted by Louis Lemieux to comment on the Charbonneau Commission with Mr. Michel Picard, analyst
- January 2013, appearance on the show 24 heures en 60 minutes hosted by Anne-Marie Dussault to comment on the Supreme Court of Canada's decision of Éric and Lola
- January 2013, appearance on the RDI show Matin week-end hosted by Louis Lemieux to comment on the Supreme Court of Canada's decision by Éric and Lola;
- January 2013, appearance on the radio show TComme il faut se lever hosted by Paul Arcand on the morning of the decision of Éric and Lola's judgment
- January 2013, appearance on the Saturday morning radio show 98.5 FM Que le Québec se lève hosted by Jean Pagé
- March 2012, lecture presented at the Laval Bar for Women's Day entitled, Equals, yes. Same, no.
- November 2010, lecture presented at the Bar of Montreal (English section), Trial Practice Do's and Don'ts: Hot Tips From the Experts, with Me George Hendy, Me William Brock and the Honourable Joel Silcoff, j.c.s.
- August 2010, lecture presented at the Canadian Bar Association by the Canadian Judges Forum in Niagara, The Evolving Family and the Law, Emotional Intelligence and its Application, with Mr. Raymond David, psychologist
- October 2009, conference, Introduction to Emotional Intelligence and its Application, with Mr. Raymond David, psychologist
- September 2009, PracticeLegislative — Family Law, Case Law Tables, 2009 Edition, LexisNexis, Advance Costs
- May 2007, lecture presented at the Canadian Bar Association, Psycholegal Expertise in Child Custody Analyzed in Depth, with Mr. Raymond David, Psychologist, and the Honourable Marie Gaudreau, J.C.S.
- June 2006, Head of the Matrimonial Law Section at the Barreau du Québec Convention and Speaker, Provision for Family Matters: Place Your Bag
- In December 2003, he taught a course on the new Quebec Code of Civil Procedure with the Honourable André Deslongchamps, and participated in the creation of a practical guide entitled "Practical Guide to Family Law"
- May 2001, lecture presented at the Quebec Bar Conference, The Provision for Discretionary or Arbitrary Costs?
- 1994, lecture presented as part of the Recent Developments in Family Law for the Continuing Education Department of the Barreau du Québec, The Unequal Sharing of Family Heritage
- October 1991, lecture presented at the Canadian Institute Conference, How to Combat Unfair Tactics in Matrimonial Matters
- 1991, lecture presented as part of the Recent Developments in Family Law for the Continuing Education Service of the Barreau du Québec, L'enfant majeur: une p.m.e. subsidizée?